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Our Principles

We are part of your growth

Maranatha uses appropriately developed, tested and researched methodologies in provision of our services to our customers. These methodologies are uniquely developed and employed using the following Principles:

a) We promote credit as a right.

b) Our mission is “To provide affordable, reliable and trusted microloan services that will help individuals, small businesses, and organizations to reach their desired goals’’. So we target those that are actively involved in business in order to improve their livelihoods

c) Our lending is based on ‘trust’ and not on traditional collateral, or legally enforceable contracts/procedures or system.

d) We offer credit for creating self-employment through support to income-generating activities as opposed to consumption.

e) Our credit program is initiated as a response to challenge posed by conventional banking which reject the poor by classifying them to be “not creditworthy”.

f) We provide service at the door-step of the poor based on the principle that the people should not go to the bank, instead the bank should go to the people.

g) Loans can be received in a continuous sequence (cycles). New loan becomes available to a borrower if his/her previous loan is repaid.

h) All loans are to be paid back in installments (weekly, bi-weekly and monthly).

i) Simultaneously more than one loan can be received by a borrower e.g. micro-enterprise loan, solar loan, agro-equipment loan, water loan etc.

j) All our loans come with an obligatory savings programmes for the borrowers Known as Guarantee Fund

K) We give high priority on building social capital. This is promoted through formation of groups.

L) Our credit delivery program is based on the premise that the poor have skills which remain unutilized and/or under-utilized. It is definitely not the lack of skills which make poor people poor. We believe that the poverty is not created by the poor; it is created by the institutions and policies which surround them.

M) Whereas micro-credit together with the associated business skills development programs have been confirmed as great tools of community transformation, MAFIS appreciates the fact that there are other community needs that cannot be solved by these interventions alone. To this regard, MAFIS will partner with other institutions and to rally resources behind other social ills that credit and enterprise development alone cannot address.

Minimum Loan Amount:

UGX 50,000

Maximum Loan Amount:

UGX 20,000,000